Monday, July 22, 2013

Creative Marketing Plans for Commercial and Retail Property Sales

In this property market, the marketing plan that you create as real estate agent is critical to the generation of enquiry. This market is slower and more discerning in many ways. Every marketing dollar spent should be spent in a clear and precise way.

So here are some rules for building a creative marketing plan for commercial property in this market:

Inspect the property fully before you form any opinion about how to market the property. It is best to do this with the property owner present. You can then discuss what you see and ask the right questions.
Understand the history of the area and the property to identify any impressions or hurdles that he property is taking to the market today.
Review the demographics of the local area in both in community and local business terms.
Supply and demand for property in the local area will have an impact. Check out the new developments and vacant land that could impact what happens in the sale of the property.
Find out what property pain and concerns the client has for the property today and how they want you to help them.
Understand where the comparable properties are in proximity to the potential listing and review the prices and rents being asked. Add to that the history of the rents and prices of completed deals.
Decide what the target market for the property should be in this economy and ascertain what that market is looking for.

Once you have this information you can build a creative marketing plan to submit to your client. Here are some ideas to help with that:

Stage the marketing for maximum impact core period of 4 to 6 weeks at the very start. After that time you move to less intense marketing.
The highest impact marketing tools that are right for the property should be chosen and used in the campaign. Consider a mix of newspaper, internet, signboard, email database, flyer, direct mail, direct call canvassing, and door knocking the local area.
Marketing adjustments should be made weekly depending on what is working to get the message out to the market. When the enquiry rate is poor you adjust quickly.
Enquiry tracking is essential in all phases of the marketing plan. All qualified prospects are put into the database with complete categorisation for future reference and follow-up.
Cost control balanced against communicating the property message is a fine balance.
Inspection strategy should be identified and agreed with the client first. That will be the way that you inspect the property and how you take prospects to the features of the property.
Feedback reports from every inspection are critical. In only that way can you condition the client for the event of a correct offer.

Creative marketing of a property for sale is not a generic process. The very best agents do it so well; they get the results faster for their clients.

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